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- User Since
- Jan 22 2014, 1:00 PM (583 w, 1 d)
Dec 4 2016
Dec 4 2016
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Salgon added a comment to T115230: Loot on skyscrapers.
Geez wrote this to my issue (0028865) "Hello Salgon and thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of (0028626) and it has been scheduled for a fix.
Geez "
Salgon added a comment to T115163: In Police Station you can access items from different floors..
That might be. I use new ui
Salgon edited Steps To Reproduce on T115163: In Police Station you can access items from different floors..
Salgon set Category to category:ingameui on T115162: Action Menu choices are doubled.
Salgon edited Steps To Reproduce on T115161: If action menu has two choices, after executing an action, "Cancel current action" appears twice.
Salgon added a comment to T115160: Portable Gas Lamp light disappers suddenly when aproaching the lamp.
Sorry, nope. Another player placed it on the ground.
Salgon edited Steps To Reproduce on T115160: Portable Gas Lamp light disappers suddenly when aproaching the lamp.
Salgon added a comment to T115158: Error "Cannot load texture dz\gear\food\data\zucchini_rotten_co.paa.".
Doublette of #0028635
Salgon set Category to category:environment on T115159: Lighted environment suddenly disappers at greater distance.
Salgon set Category to category:errormessage on T115158: Error "Cannot load texture dz\gear\food\data\zucchini_rotten_co.paa.".
Salgon set Category to category:general on T115157: Light source after player with lighted torch disconnects.
Salgon added a comment to T113577: Torch bug.
Attached file how it looks like if a player with lighted torch disconnects.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Salgon added a comment to T92210: Tried to desinfect my friend's wounds, but gave it to myself. Item = Alcohol Tincture.. Additionaly getting sick from using it..
This bug here is different from 0004513. Because your character becomes sick when you "Apply tincture" to someone else.
Salgon added a comment to T89283: Lighting errors.
Attached file how it looks like if a player with lighted torch disconnects.
Salgon added a comment to T88599: Torch light persists on disconnect.
Attached file how it looks like if a player with lighted torch disconnects.