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- User Since
- Feb 14 2014, 1:51 PM (577 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
SMoOoVEeR set Category to category:environment on T97346: Karmanovka not in 0.44.
SMoOoVEeR set Category to category:items on T97345: Single Bolts stay in crossbow after fired and show "bolt is empty".
SMoOoVEeR added a comment to T96621: Players able to glitch through walls in "Prison building".
same thing recently happend to me in electro in the first house of a row at the opposite of the firestation in town .... was standing in wall and shooting everybody coming in there ...
SMoOoVEeR added a comment to T95422: Hacker, shot through walls.
not the same
SMoOoVEeR edited Steps To Reproduce on T95422: Hacker, shot through walls.
SMoOoVEeR added a comment to T95221: glitching ladder in tenement_building_small.
nope the other smaller apartment building
SMoOoVEeR edited Steps To Reproduce on T95221: glitching ladder in tenement_building_small.
SMoOoVEeR edited Steps To Reproduce on T95216: Bluescreen 0xb3 while minimizing.
SMoOoVEeR added a comment to T86571: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random Zombie and Character action noises.
espacially the sound from combining ammo appearing randomly is very disturbing