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- User Since
- Oct 21 2013, 9:17 PM (594 w, 1 d)
May 9 2016
As a gamer this is my view on this topic and how I now deal with it now. After years asking for female skins in BF games and never got them I got a refund on my BF4 and now boycott Dice/ EA games they lost me buying from them anymore.
Second females do go into front line combat in real life and get shot and killed and front line combat is not so clear cut anymore. When a game maker makes a game in a FPS war game it shows full on disrespect for female gamers to make them put on a male skin, and after 10 years of it I am fully sick of it. When I buy a game in FPS war game I want a female solder skin on if I cant get one then yes I boycott and walk from a game and buying from them for good.
Why should I pay / buy a game if it does not give me what I want and that is a female solder skin.Now I am not trying to be rude with what I say but if you have issues killing a female skin in a game then you need to put on your big boy pants and deal with the issue you have. And with any of you who have issues with female solder skins in a game think about this... play for years on end in a skin/ sex you are not then you will understand what female gamers are on about.
I started to game when q2 came out and played all the quake games as well as all the UT games. We always had female skins true not fully what one would call a war games but still FPS games. It just seems to me in the last 10 years pc games have gotten more sexist and unfair to female gamers. And I am fully done with it and will not support any game maker who does not allow female solder skins in a FPS war game.
This is just my views on this and how I deal with it now. The makers of COD games just gave female gamers what we are after female solders. I may not be a big fan of COD as the games have issues but I will suck it up and I did pre order COD Ghosts due to they got with the times 2013 and gave female gamers the choice of a female solder skins.
In closing I just got Arma3 today and did a d/l of a female mod skin as it will hold me for now. And I will give the makers of this game a chance to add female solder skins to the game. But if they do not add female solder skins will I boycott and not buy anymore games from them YES. I will not respond to my post as all this is just my views on it all and how I deal with it. FPS war games are not a boyz club.