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- User Since
- Jul 22 2013, 2:57 AM (607 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
SGTBlamauer edited Steps To Reproduce on T71367: Gun is reloaded after droping emptyed before drop.
SGTBlamauer edited Steps To Reproduce on T71365: 50 BMG round: when fired you can here it in the backround for 2, 3 sec and then it is gone..
SGTBlamauer edited Steps To Reproduce on T71363: AI walks around with gun up when asked to get in a car,helo, APC, ETC.
SGTBlamauer edited Steps To Reproduce on T70196: very low GPU and CPU use from the game.
SGTBlamauer edited Steps To Reproduce on T70173: AI way to accurate when shooting at long ranges.
SGTBlamauer added a comment to T69880: ARMA 3 needs a command for ordering your subordinates to use their silenced weapon if they have one..
Great idea i think Arma 3 could use this very well. EG when you elert the bad guys you are able to tell your team to take off the SS and go loud. up vote