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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 3:49 AM (611 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
Excilium, that issue is unrelated to this one. I never connect to a server with a higher ping than 90 in any game. This problem excists in both MP and SP, atleast in my case, and I think quite a few others. Me and my friend made a server with only me and him on, switching between who hosted, but I still got massive lag.
SGTIce, in which way is dxdiag going to help, to upload PC spec's or?
Disableing post processing works very well, and makes the game playable. But still hoping they'll fix it soon.
Thanks to Roytjb and Rick, for sharing this usefull information and solution.
Spacefish and Jud18120, I dont know about that. Because my friend has a quite similar pc to mine (see description), performance vice. But he does not experiance any significant lag. But none of you seem to have one of the new 600 series geforce cards? But he has a 680 or 670, and an Intel cpu.
Is there anyone with an Intel prosessor and a GeForce graphics card experiancing these problems?
And Spacefish, wouldnt your idea cause everyone to have the problem?
I saw someone having a similar problem. And they're complaining that their graphics cards, are running very low from their full potential. But mine is Nvidia so if it was an AMD problem, it would be the prosessor then. Someone mentioned it as a SLi or Crossfire problem. GTX 590 is basically two 560 ti in SLi if I remember correctly. So could be that. But richd666, as you say "a 7970" I'd persume it's one. If you see this, mabye mention if you've got an Intel or AMD prosessor aswell. But again I persume that you've got AMD as you said AMD users. And from this I have no conclution.