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- User Since
- Aug 28 2015, 10:57 PM (500 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
hate to break this to you guys, but the problem is still there, just had it now on a king of the hill server.
adam you actual hero. massive props to all of you guys at bohemia for listening to your fans :D
uninstalled and reinstalled arma 3, didnt get the crash for a few days but just had it 10 minutes ago.
this is the rpt, but there is no bidmp or mdmp with a matching name
also getting this problem, tried everything to close arma while its running after the crashes, from programmes that force shut task to cmd lines such as taskkill /im arma3.exe /f /t which has no luck either. recreated the crash on windows 8.1 and 10, also had the same bug with arma 2 while running mods, but with arma 3 when running vanilla and with different mods.