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- User Since
- May 31 2015, 5:24 AM (509 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Rags edited Additional Information on T114682: 0.59 EXP - Amphibia S chambering has no animation nor sound..
Rags set Category to category:items on T114681: 0.59 EXP - Items in houses sometimes cannot be seen in "Vicinity" but can be manually picked up..
Rags set Category to category:items on T114680: 0.59 EXP - Using a can opener to open cans improves its condition..
Rags set Category to category:weapons on T114679: 0.59 EXP - Mosin Nagant can be loaded, but animation will not play, nor will sound..
Rags set Category to category:items on T114665: Cannot swap handguards on MP5.
Rags edited Additional Information on T114664: Two Police Cars spawn inside one another at Stary Sobor.
Rags edited Additional Information on T114650: Excessive Binocular spawns in Large Barracks..
Rags set Category to category:items on T114645: Player can quickly use Hotbar to equip Binoculars when drinking from a Canteen..
Rags set Category to category:items on T114644: Items piling up outside V3S Truck..
Rags set Category to category:items on T111378: Many items on the ground cannot be interacted with, though they appear to be able to be..
Rags edited Steps To Reproduce on T111377: When throwing an object, it freezes in mid-air when it leaves your hand..