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- User Since
- Aug 2 2014, 9:36 PM (553 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
RAPHAEL2903 added a comment to T102219: character lost after server restart.
for me the same happend as in his record
RAPHAEL2903 set Category to category:characters on T102219: character lost after server restart.
RAPHAEL2903 added a comment to T102051: character wiped after reconnect.
same problem
RAPHAEL2903 set Category to category:playerstuck on T101718: Player stuck in a big green field.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
RAPHAEL2903 added a comment to T101232: Game crashes after death.
same problem each time someone kills me the game crashes without any report but i has this problem since 0.46
RAPHAEL2903 added a comment to T101227: Fps go down without reason.
same problem since 0.46
RAPHAEL2903 added a comment to T101207: Legs Break, "You are dead." Upper levels of buildings, stairs etc. Randomly 2-3 times a day..
yes me to but it happens only if i run down of something