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- User Since
- Jul 21 2014, 6:05 PM (550 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Pyrraxe edited Steps To Reproduce on T100886: Axe damage is registering 3-4x with one swing.
Pyrraxe set Category to category:server on T100851: EXP servers going on 72+hrs now--Please restart ;).
Pyrraxe added a comment to T100848: Stuck in Apt bldg.
Nevermind. Thank God my mosin is loud enough to attract every zombie in town. Zombies are professional wall glitchers and were able to kill me
Pyrraxe set Category to category:environment on T100848: Stuck in Apt bldg.
Pyrraxe added a comment to T100848: Stuck in Apt bldg.
steam id # is "76561197980022076" on an exp normal server
Pyrraxe added a comment to T100719: Loaded 75 round drum on AKM, was prompted to switch to clip in inventory, drum disappeared.
Lost my 75 rounder to this same issue.
Pyrraxe added a comment to T100347: Helicopter crash sites not respawning.
The patch notes for the Exp server said they fixed it. They are still not spawning! I have spent over 200 hours dedicated solely to heli crashes.