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Aug 17 2015, 5:09 PM (501 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

PrimeN7 edited Steps To Reproduce on T113540: Too much loot stashed in barrels/backpacks/tents in one location cause excessive waiting and "receiving" messages in inventory.
May 11 2016, 7:00 AM · DayZ
PrimeN7 added a comment to T113400: Run in place, after lowering weapon with "space" (or custom key) instead of "right mouse button" after "aiming down sight".

I had previously said pressing "V" would do this but I forgot that I changed my keys so that "V" lowers weapon and "space" vaults, but the default is "v" for vault and "space" for lowering weapon. Sorry for the confusion.

May 11 2016, 6:56 AM · DayZ
PrimeN7 edited Steps To Reproduce on T113400: Run in place, after lowering weapon with "space" (or custom key) instead of "right mouse button" after "aiming down sight".
May 11 2016, 6:56 AM · DayZ