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- User Since
- May 12 2019, 12:01 PM (306 w, 4 d)
May 12 2019
May 12 2019
OlafGuenther added a comment to T139289: Remove the melee lock system.
Died to two (!) zombies at night, because I couldn't keep track of them (maybe also because they still run right trough you).
OlafGuenther added a comment to T139296: DayZ Experimental 1.03 & onwards - Feedback regarding melee changes.
OlafGuenther added a comment to T139274: You get cut after each side on the stairs (1.03).
Didn't happen to me with gloves. Though the gloves were ruined after max. 15 ladders. Then again you get cuts with the ruined gloves.