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- User Since
- Feb 2 2015, 6:01 AM (529 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Nysyth added a comment to T114955: Sedan refuses to move with all 4 wheels & other parts required to run.
Yes I changed gears, that caused the car to move a few inches as the wheels spun in place, its almost like the wheels have no friction with the ground.
Nysyth set Category to category:other on T114955: Sedan refuses to move with all 4 wheels & other parts required to run.
Nysyth edited Steps To Reproduce on T108366: Pistol suppressor on CR75 Does not sit in correct spot.
Nysyth edited Steps To Reproduce on T108223: Deer AI in 0.54 going spastic.
Nysyth edited Steps To Reproduce on T107465: "Natural leather pants are textureless on female characters".