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Oct 25 2013, 5:30 AM (593 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Nydidric added a comment to T73985: HandleDamage is fired twice for the same bullet in two different frames..

Okey thx, that brings me forward.

i could determinate, that the currently implemented damage system takes only the overall damage and only if the passed overall or diff damage is bigger then the damage of the object. As you can see in following log. The first logged array are the passed parameters to the event handler and the second is damage _unit; so the damage of the object, or already taken damage. It does not add the damage, it just overrides it if the value is bigger... as it seems. So that explains your commend, if the second fired event passes the new damage value and not the diff. i'm just confused and i get more confused if i try to calculate the damage by my self.
0.162457 + 0.0117777 + 0.0454517 + 0.0253255 + 0.0602934 = 0.3053053 and not 0.207909. But also the diff is not possible 0.162457 - (0.0117777 + 0.0454517 + 0.0253255 + 0.0602934) = 0.0196087.

"T=0.875 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"head",0.0117777,<NULL-object>,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.875 : 0.162457"

"T=0.875 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"",0.0454517,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.875 : 0.162457"

"T=0.875 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"head",0.0253255,<NULL-object>,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.875 : 0.162457"

"T=0.875 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"",0.0602934,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.875 : 0.162457"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"",0.207909,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.162457"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"head",0.0117777,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.207909"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"body",0.100372,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.207909"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"hands",0.152353,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.207909"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"",0.268202,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.207909"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"head",0.0253255,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.268202"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"body",0.196701,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.268202"

"T=0.892 : [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Nydi),"hands",0.163957,O Alpha 1-1:1,"B_65x39_Caseless_green"]"
"T=0.892 : 0.268202"

May 10 2016, 6:56 AM · Arma 3
Nydidric added a comment to T73985: HandleDamage is fired twice for the same bullet in two different frames..

Thx Xeno for that information, but the overall and diff damage should not be the same, or do i missunderstand you?

There is a simple way to determinate double fired events. Store the last damage for every selection in variables, if the same value passes again for the same selection in less then around may 0.5 seconds it seems to be the same event fired a second time. Its very unlikly that two shoot are made within a short time with the same parameters.

Can you explain me the behaviour better. Do you mean the difference between the passed damage in the eventhandler and the already taken damage of the unit? Where is the reason to fire that event, it makes no sence to me in any case. According to Biki the eventhandler could be used to create a own damagesystem, whats my goal. But in case of this behaviour it seems useless isn't it?

May I should make some more tests to get the behaviour, did you already do that and can you tell me your expirience?

May 10 2016, 6:56 AM · Arma 3
Nydidric added a comment to T73985: HandleDamage is fired twice for the same bullet in two different frames..

Ohh yes may you right, didn't found that issue sorry.

May 10 2016, 6:56 AM · Arma 3
Nydidric edited Steps To Reproduce on T73985: HandleDamage is fired twice for the same bullet in two different frames..
May 10 2016, 6:56 AM · Arma 3