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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 3:16 AM (582 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Noctiluxx added a comment to T90848: Incoming direct chat not working!.
I too have this problem..
Noctiluxx added a comment to T89526: Cant hear other players VOIP Chat or text..
Noctiluxx set Category to category:inventory on T88547: Loose Inventory Items when moving from 1-9 Hotkeys.
Noctiluxx added a comment to T88535: Fails To Save Character Information After Being Teleported Back to Beach (Hacked?)and Stripped of Gear.
This just happend to me..
nobody on VOIP though.. teleport to the beach, now my character is a new spawn (black female instead of my white male) and im surrounded by black females in their undergarments.
DayZ Us East 1-53 by MPGS
Noctiluxx added a comment to T88365: No Collision mesh on Apartment Railings.
Its not really that funny..
I just fell through a smaller 2 story house now.. build 113822.
Dead again.
Noctiluxx added a comment to T88365: No Collision mesh on Apartment Railings.
I found this out the hard way. Went to enjoy the view on the balcony, fell to my death.. great lootable gun loaded corpse on the ground.
Noctiluxx added a comment to T88013: Items temporarily disappearing when dropped on the ground..
Same thing.. wish iknew it returned after time.. damnit.