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- User Since
- Dec 28 2013, 7:08 PM (587 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Nightmare added a comment to T91146: Crouch -> Sprint -> Return to Crouch..
I find myself struggling with that too, while in crouch position i hear gun shot and/or zeds around and want to print, spamming W without results since i'm crouched.
I wouldn't mind staying in stand-up position after sprinting as long as it's possible to start while crouched.
Nightmare added a comment to T90871: Climbing down some ladder sometimes results in sliding off a building and dieing from impact.
@smaddeus: that makes sens about key combinations. I know that i already climbed down many ladders without problems, but i was always very careful and pressing 1 button at a time and making sure animations are over because i knew how the game and the mod were sometimes unreliable.
Nightmare edited Steps To Reproduce on T90871: Climbing down some ladder sometimes results in sliding off a building and dieing from impact.