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- Feb 15 2016, 7:40 AM (472 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
MrSapperism added a comment to T86312: Arma 3 Home screen is a black screen and long load/start up time..
My fix solution only worked for a short period of time. the Problem is occurring again. I tried to enter the beta access code but it told me the code was invalid.
MrSapperism added a comment to T86312: Arma 3 Home screen is a black screen and long load/start up time..
I fixed the problem by altering the games parameters in the launcher (no splash, skip intro, no logs, no pause). The game opens much faster now and loads much faster as well. Thanks for your help!
MrSapperism edited Steps To Reproduce on T86312: Arma 3 Home screen is a black screen and long load/start up time..