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Arma 3 Home screen is a black screen and long load/start up time.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Arma 3 was working perfectly every since I got it (during the last steam sale,
about 2 days ago) and now I have noticed that the game takes much longer to
load (get into the game, past the Arma 3 logo and launcher on the desktop) as
well as the fact that the home screen no longer shows up and instead I get an
everlasting black screen and no audio either. Although the Bohemia interactive
and Arma 3 screen pass (as well as screen with information (nvidia information
etc). The game was working fine earlier today as well until I closed it (by
disconnecting from the server I was on and exiting the game).

I have checked to make sure my graphics driver is up to date (it is). I have
also re-installed the game. {F28036}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

This always happens when I open my game.

  • Open game
  • Wait long time
  • Black screen appears after the first 3 screens (Bohemia interactive, Arma 3 and then information with nvidia logo etc).
Additional Information

Report log will be provided.

Event Timeline

MrSapperism edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MrSapperism set Category to Performance.
MrSapperism set Reproducibility to Always.
MrSapperism set Severity to None.
MrSapperism set Resolution to Open.
MrSapperism set Legacy ID to 3681844899.May 8 2016, 1:44 PM


thank you for your feedback and sorry for the trouble you are having with the game.

It seems that the game application became unresponsive and was terminated by the OS.
Your provided crash dumps contain only rpt files which means rest of the crashdump files were not created (game crash should create rpt + bidmp + mdmp files). Next time you try to run the game, please try to wait for a while before termination the game process so these files have enough time to create (it might take a few minutes).

Things you might also try:
-Verify integrity of your game cache via Steam
-Make sure your DirectX, Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable and graphic drivers are up to date

You can also try and switch to the RC version of the game.
Here's how to do that.

  1. In Steam, right-click Arma 3
  2. Go to Properties, then the Betas tab
  3. Enter this Beta Access Code - Arma3Update156RC
  4. In the roll-down menu select "rc - Release Candidate Build" instead of NONE

Steam will then download additional files. Once completed Arma 3 [rc] will be shown in your Library.

Please let us know if any of this have helped.

Thank you

I fixed the problem by altering the games parameters in the launcher (no splash, skip intro, no logs, no pause). The game opens much faster now and loads much faster as well. Thanks for your help!

My fix solution only worked for a short period of time. the Problem is occurring again. I tried to enter the beta access code but it told me the code was invalid.


new Stable version of the game was released just recently. Please try out if the issue is still present.

Thank you