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User Since
Feb 25 2015, 11:56 PM (524 w, 8 h)

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May 11 2016

Momodane added a comment to T108350: Memory leak forcing winodws to shutdown game + steam.

I've found that running "-malloc=system -maxMem=4094" through launch parameters stabilize the game's memory around 1.2gb, but then after 10 mins it goes into a non-stop stuttering and buildings disappears or go into lowres (or replicate on piece of texture all over it). Additionally my character goes into a low polygon affair. Game's memory usuage is down to 800mb at that point.

Couldn't verify this was constant, as I got kicked off the server, but non of the missing textures would load back as before.

Edit*Give it 10 min it will consistantly go low poly and not load textures while inducing massive stuttering and keep fps to a solid 5*

May 11 2016, 4:08 AM · DayZ
Momodane edited Steps To Reproduce on T108350: Memory leak forcing winodws to shutdown game + steam.
May 11 2016, 4:08 AM · DayZ
Momodane added a comment to T108092: [Primary Report] Missing Attachments after 0.54.

Logged in to find my AK74 was missing the black plastic forend and Black (but painted green) buttstock. All attachments were in pristine condition.

Additionally, I had found an "Acough x4" scope in pristine yesterday and its gone from my inventory after this patch.

May 11 2016, 3:58 AM · DayZ