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User Since
Jun 27 2014, 2:03 AM (558 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 5 2017

MethodInMadness added a comment to T125164: Guns wont shoot. No one else seems to be able to recreate..

Alright. I've figured it out. You can not fire while pressing Ctrl. That's all it is. That's all it ever was. I thought it was only while aiming at other players, but it was because any time I aim at a player, I press Ctrl (which I have tasked to Zoom). You cannot fire your gun or lean for some reason, while pressing Ctrl in 62.

Jun 5 2017, 12:49 AM · DayZ

Jun 2 2017

MethodInMadness added a comment to T125164: Guns wont shoot. No one else seems to be able to recreate..

I started playing today, planning on recording the glitch. I tested and tested and tested with a friend and it appeared the glitch had gone away. After an hour I had even killed a few players. I figured all was fixed with the recent update and I kept playing.

Jun 2 2017, 8:23 AM · DayZ

Jun 1 2017

MethodInMadness added a comment to T125164: Guns wont shoot. No one else seems to be able to recreate..

I can now recreate this 100% of the time. Would you like me to make some videos?

Jun 1 2017, 5:15 AM · DayZ

May 30 2017

MethodInMadness added a comment to T125164: Guns wont shoot. No one else seems to be able to recreate..

No, I don't have a wireless mouse or keyboard. In fact I went out and bought a new mouse to see if that's the problem.

May 30 2017, 10:43 PM · DayZ

May 29 2017

MethodInMadness added a comment to T125164: Guns wont shoot. No one else seems to be able to recreate..

Hi Geez,
It appears to be happening with all guns, though some more than others. The pump-action shotguns seem really bad. Probably the worst, it nearly never fires at a player. The Blaze seems to be least affected though it still does it. So far I have had the problem with both pump-action shotguns, the double barrel shotgun, the scorpion, the magnum revolver and the blaze. I don't think I've tried to shoot anyone with anything else. I've had it happen on different servers and characters.

May 29 2017, 11:48 PM · DayZ

May 28 2017

MethodInMadness created T125164: Guns wont shoot. No one else seems to be able to recreate..
May 28 2017, 10:35 PM · DayZ
MethodInMadness added a watcher for DayZ: MethodInMadness.
May 28 2017, 10:25 PM

May 10 2016

MethodInMadness edited Steps To Reproduce on T99708: My gear resets... frequently.
May 10 2016, 10:55 PM · DayZ