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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 8:51 PM (582 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Medildy added a comment to T91625: Multiplayer freezes, can't do aktions. Can't be solved by relogging etc, except death.
Same problem since a few weeks. At first it was every 15 Minutes for about 2 minutes, after those 2 minutes everything was okay again for another 15 minutes.
But at the moment it starts right after connecting. I can do like maybe one action (Eat, drink) and after this the game is desynced.
No matter which server or time.
Medildy added a comment to T91272: castle loot clipping through floor.
Got the same issue, but it seems just to be a graphicbug. Stand under the loot and you should be able to pic it up in the "environment"-section in your inventory. Cause the loot seems to be placed on the ground, but the graphic just got up to the roof.
Medildy set Category to category:animations on T89098: Buggy animation watching someone climbing down leadder.