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- User Since
- Sun, Mar 9, 4:45 PM (7 h, 47 m)
Maximus_78 added a comment to T187701: erro 0x00000001-unable_to_unit_dxgi.
Also, I remove and install game 3 times, batteeye, mods ant other. I just doesn't reinstall Windows :-)
Maximus_78 added a comment to T187701: erro 0x00000001-unable_to_unit_dxgi.
Maximus_78 added a comment to T187701: erro 0x00000001-unable_to_unit_dxgi.
Hi, help me please. I see this problem too. my comp configuration: CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz, GPU GTX1060, RAM 80Gb. After latest update I can not play in the game. TNX