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- User Since
- Nov 22 2018, 6:39 PM (325 w, 6 d)
Dec 1 2018
They broke the game with the 22nd of November patch. You can't reload anymore, well yes you can but it's a pain in the ass. Go in your inventory and drop a second mag on the "Combine" section of the gun you have in hands. It will swap the mags. If you have only one mag you're fucked. Find another mag or you will be unable to reload the gun.
Since the infamous patch we had on the 22nd of November you can't change the ServerTime anymore. Open your "init.c" file and add the following line right at the bottom of the the weather settings section:
Nov 30 2018
Damn, I'm late to the party it seems. Sorry Geez, I'm running the server from Steam, didn't found a .bat, I checked the default profile path on the documentation page you sent me but I have no "DayZ Server" folder in "Documents". The best I could find is "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\Server" that contains the files "profile.vars.DayZProfile", "Server.core.xml", "Server.dayz_preset_User.xml" and "Server_settings.DayZProfile". I think I should have .log files but as I'm a noob I'm probably looking in the wrong place. If you still need logs let me know where I can find them. Cheers
I confirm the existence of this bug. Happened 2 days ago while entering Vybor Industrial zone, I tried to run over the Z but he clipped/jumped on the hood and I got a hard freeze client, after 10 seconds the client crashed with no error messages. The server was still showing me in-game "Player count= 1". This happened on my private test server with 0 population. What files do you need Geez? I'm no DayZ server guru, where do I find these server profile parameters?
Nov 27 2018
Yep, that's the only possible workaround.
I confirm that it happens on stable NON modded servers. I'm using my empty server for bug tracking and restart it as soon as I find something weird to make sure I can reproduce it. It is impossible to remove mags from SMGs and ARs unless you have another mag, then you can change it by dropping the second mag on "Combine" and it will swap the mags.
Nov 25 2018
Nov 23 2018
All you need to do is to move like 50 meters away and come back, the walls should be visible again. In all cases you can clip through base building walls either they're visible or not.
Nov 22 2018
The workaround is to drop the 2nd mag on "Combine" instead of the other mag. But attachments are fucked as well so one way or the other guns are pretty much useless right now. More than 4 hours since the devs have been informed and still no hotfix for the guns.
Sorry for adding comments on the fly but I'm testing things one after the other. You can remove the ACOG scope from the M4 but you cannot remove the Kobra nor the PS0-1 from the AKM.
I continue the bug hunting before the haters jump in the game in 1 hour. Probably related to the same bug you cannot remove silencers nor scopes.
This is a major issue. If you have only one mag you cannot remove it to reload it. It needs a hotfix tonight otherwise the servers population will be 0. Confirmed with both the AKM and the M4. If you have 2 mags you can drop it from your inventory on the gun and it will change the mag. Probably related to the same bug. You cannot change the handguard on the M4 anymore.