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Mar 21 2013, 12:37 AM (624 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

MasterIXI added a comment to T63945: Caves.

Wow, I am glad this was looking at by devs. Hoping its a feature in the full game.

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
MasterIXI added a comment to T63945: Caves.

Yes a bunker system would just be man made caves. But in a real life scenario like Afghanistan insurgents did stay in the caves in the mountains but Stratis is based in Greece and since it is in the future its a fairly rich country today so people wouldnt be living in caves.

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
MasterIXI added a comment to T63945: Caves.

Caves would we kind of stupid because caves are usually uninhabited so why would you need one to walk through? My post on a bunker system would be suited for the game since the bunker doors are already set up.

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
MasterIXI added a comment to T63941: ArmA 3 Stratis Bunkers.

Well what I mean is a system of connected bunkers in general. They should be a way of opening them without being cheesy like opening a regular door but they should make it where they could open or be blown into.

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
MasterIXI edited Steps To Reproduce on T63941: ArmA 3 Stratis Bunkers.
May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3