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- User Since
- Apr 14 2013, 12:43 PM (618 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Marek edited Steps To Reproduce on T100178: Can't add items to a container while wearing the container.
Marek added a comment to T100160: There´s no loot in military tents.
That isn't true for all tents with one opening. The ones shaped like a dome have loot in them but the loot is usually clipped in the ground so you need to have your inventory window open to see it. The rectangular tents that were present in the DayZ mod that used to have loot in them, don't seem to spawn loot often if at all in the stand alone game.
Marek added a comment to T69140: Source Code appers ingame.
There is a screenshot attached
Marek added a comment to T69140: Source Code appers ingame.
Okay, if everyone has it, than everything is alright :)
Marek added a comment to T69140: Source Code appers ingame.
I'm not using a launcher and I installed and started the game out of steam. there are no starting parameters.
I didn't add any script or modifications.
Marek edited Steps To Reproduce on T69140: Source Code appers ingame.
Marek edited Steps To Reproduce on T65547: Walking through closed doors using the step over command.