User Details
- User Since
- Mar 17 2013, 11:02 PM (625 w, 18 h)
May 9 2016
- fresh & new installation, latest drivers Geforce 314.21 on Win8/64Bit
(no Sounddrivers needed > Bose Companion 5 USB) - no AV Software installed.
- latest DirectX installed (Webinstaller)
- no oc
- no fanspeed software
- ok this was set to "off" (i think)
- this i can check with standard quality (normaly i use higher settings)
3960X with Titan-SLI
I tried to reduce the shadows to "standard" and v-Sync "enable"
Now i drive with a quad and after a few minutes the games crash to desktop.
I upload the files: Arma3 Alpha_mappi75.rar
Edit: cant upload the whole file
arma3.mdmp is 10Mb great i cant compress the file its still to great for uploading
Same problem here!
I was playing a mp game and we were three people driving in a car.
I was often switching from car to the map and go back to the car "bam" nothing happend any more (black screen) - only switching the pc off on the power supply was the only solution. I did not hear any looping sound.
But i was using all @ ultra setting, only shadows was set to only 100-110.
"Arma 3 Alpha.rar" uploaded.