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- User Since
- Sep 11 2014, 5:16 PM (544 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103835: military hospital has structural issues..
Mangina added a comment to T103802: Went onto boat and died with no reason....
im cool with it my profile address is this
Mangina added a comment to T103802: Went onto boat and died with no reason....
i then found that my body had fallen through the floor and was on the ground. i also saw another dead player next to me so maybe it happened again.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103802: Went onto boat and died with no reason....
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103633: jumping gates doesnt always work.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103425: raining inside buildings..
Mangina added a comment to T103408: Airport building level design is bugged.
also when your on the top floor you can immediately jump onto the ladder.
Mangina added a comment to T103408: Airport building level design is bugged.
sorry this is the north east airfield i didn't know where i was until i worked this out. the whole hanger is completely messed up.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103408: Airport building level design is bugged.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103404: Crowbar doesnt hit zombie.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103193: Logging into server somtimes starts me as a new char.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103192: using an axe on walls or wood produces bullet ricochet sounds.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103191: Female breath is the same as male breath.
Mangina added a comment to T103162: running up hill makes you walk.
well it does need to be addressed because there is no animation for going up steep hills.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103162: running up hill makes you walk.
Mangina edited Steps To Reproduce on T103152: Hair comes through hats.