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- User Since
- Jun 22 2016, 5:33 PM (456 w, 3 d)
Jun 22 2016
Jun 22 2016
ManInTheWoods changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:none to reproducibility:always on T118539: Dayz Duplication exploit.
ManInTheWoods added a comment to T118541: Character Stuck under house in DayZ.
This has also happened to my friend after logging out in a building in the new military base.
ManInTheWoods changed Severity from severity:minor to severity:major on T118539: Dayz Duplication exploit.
ManInTheWoods added a comment to T118537: insane lag when browsing serverlist.
Try changing your max ping to 200 in your filters, you probably will still lag but it drops the server count to like 250-350. After its done searching it should stop lagging.