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- User Since
- Apr 23 2017, 6:34 AM (410 w, 2 d)
May 18 2017
May 18 2017
Apr 23 2017
Apr 23 2017
Maj.D.Phillips added a comment to T124520: USS Freedom Deflector position after launch.
Same issue as well. AND using scroll wheel to initiate launch instead of holding enter causes the plane to fail the launch, detach, and accelerate off the deck to a splashing death.
Maj.D.Phillips added a comment to T124356: Sonic boom.
Since jets DLC is all about jets, and Jets that can break the sound barrier ,there should 100% be the ability to at least use a module to sync to the vehicle for the CHOICE of having that realism and immersion of the sound barrier being broken, and scaring the enemy forces with the raw power of your aircraft. There has been many requests from my members to have me ask for any response on whether or not there will be SONIC BOOM sounds.
Heres a reference to a mod maker who has done it...but cant release due to copyright: