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- User Since
- Mar 13 2013, 12:20 AM (622 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Magicool set Category to category:engine on T84164: No shadows since NVIDIA driver update 355.98.
Magicool edited Steps To Reproduce on T65440: Rappelling from Choppers.
Magicool edited Steps To Reproduce on T64886: Move away from using a GPU heavy engine.
Magicool added a comment to T64754: The impact of grass on the performance is way too high.
I'm not complaining about bad FPS, I'm saying that way too much resources (FPS) are used for rendering gras (that's one reason I hesitated to post it under "performance")
Magicool added a comment to T64754: The impact of grass on the performance is way too high.
If the Mods rather wanna see this under the category "performance" change it :)
I was not quite sure
Magicool edited Steps To Reproduce on T64754: The impact of grass on the performance is way too high.
Magicool edited Steps To Reproduce on T63272: Wierd GPU + CPU usage/ Low RAM usage, poor performance on recommended CPU (overclocked).
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Magicool added a comment to T61810: Memory leak..
My RAM usage never climbs above 600MB even with Textures to Very high and AF set to Ultra ...
Magicool added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.
Same problem
CPU: AMD Phenom II X940 OC@3,5Ghz
GPU: HD4890 @GPU905/VRAM1005 Mhz
I use this startup parameters:
-maxMem=4096 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noFilePatching
My FPS NEVER go above 30
According to the Windows-Taskmanager the DDR2-RAM usage never goes above 600MB even with Textures and AF to High/Ultra