User Details
- User Since
- Oct 7 2014, 9:13 PM (543 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
What has changed in the last patch? The Disc Read has exploded and the performance is worse...
Is still up to date. :-(
14:51:57 Observer C Delta 2-2:1 ([Ganja Fighter] BuKing) REMOTE (civ_63) in cargo of C Delta 2-2:1 ([Ganja Fighter] BuKing) REMOTE (civ_63); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 40680
14:52:57 Observer O Charlie 3-2:7 ([FL] [Sol.] CrazySnake) REMOTE (east_15) in cargo of O Charlie 3-2:7 ([FL] [Sol.] CrazySnake) REMOTE (east_15); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 29487
Client.rpt uploaded.
If set allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"}; in Server.cfg
Client Spams in the Client-rpt: Could not load '\A3\animals_f\Snakes\scripts\randomize.sqf'. Extension not listed in allowedLoadFileExtensions
New rpt and bidmp added.
Out of Memory.
Oh yeah, sry Iceman. Information added.
+ Arma 3 Startup Parameters: -nosplash -world=empty
I have a GTX 760.