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User Since
Jul 6 2014, 9:58 PM (557 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

Ligson added a comment to T107050: Can´t load character..

ok its simple my character should have gear and should be at POLANA and the other ones (newbie ones) have nothing but what you start with.
about the servers... well it basicly all of them. I connect with different players (newbies) but never with my original character.

Examples of servers: Day z ES (any of them)
ES Infectado2 IP: (this one is the one i always played on and it is the one i was playing when i got disconnected, and then got the error message when tried to conect again.


May 11 2016, 3:23 AM · DayZ
Ligson added a comment to T107050: Can´t load character..

my steam Id is


May 11 2016, 3:23 AM · DayZ
Ligson set Category to category:characters on T107050: Can´t load character..
May 11 2016, 3:23 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Ligson set Category to category:playerstuck on T100180: Stuck In a room with fake door and invisible walls..
May 10 2016, 11:12 PM · DayZ