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- User Since
- Jun 12 2015, 10:09 AM (505 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
LeonGor edited Steps To Reproduce on T111886: Reloading a magazine causes it to disappear/lost.
LeonGor added a comment to T111846: Ammo Box only contains 4 slots instead of 10.
The Ammo Box art still states it holds 300 rounds of 5.56, but seeing how 5.56 isnt spawning right now it should still be 300 rounds. There is no point in having an ammo box that is so HUGE, still takes up 4 slots, and holds 4 stacks of ammo. Its definitely a bug.
LeonGor edited Steps To Reproduce on T111846: Ammo Box only contains 4 slots instead of 10.