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User Details
- User Since
- Jun 19 2014, 1:39 PM (556 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
KungFuBoterham set Category to category:featurerequest on T114318: [Suggestion] Hit system.
KungFuBoterham set Category to category:animations on T109463: [Suggestion] Animations for bear trap.
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T102243: Place where players get caught in a natural trap.
Well, problem got resolved a while ago, threat can be closed now, thanks for the fix!
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T102243: Place where players get caught in a natural trap.
Good to hear that its going to be fixed :)
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T102243: Place where players get caught in a natural trap.
I added the screenshots, anyone seen this post? (Got caught in it while searching for it :/ )
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T102243: Place where players get caught in a natural trap.
Here are the screenshots, in the images im in the trap itself
KungFuBoterham edited Steps To Reproduce on T102243: Place where players get caught in a natural trap.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
KungFuBoterham edited Steps To Reproduce on T101468: Players able to get inside rocks.
KungFuBoterham edited Steps To Reproduce on T101467: Unresponsive Movement.
KungFuBoterham edited Steps To Reproduce on T99259: Random broken legs and deads.
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T99186: Random Death.
I randomly died twice since the update and 1 broken leg, 2 dead when climbing ladders and 1 broken leg randomly walking in neaf prison building....
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T99061: Logged out and when i relogged all walls are see through and stuck in down floor,cant interact with anything.
I have this every time when i log in, it's just your computer needing time to render, just wait like 30 secs and you'll be fine
KungFuBoterham added a comment to T86644: Jumping is very unresponsive.
I'd love to see all these things client sided, not server, like choosing a gun, movement and this, that would solve a lot of issues