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- User Since
- Dec 22 2013, 4:08 PM (586 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Sorry about that, Someone beat to reporting it
Actually I did search, but came up empty, I didn't search Jail wall I put it Building wall, my bad on that one. No need for the down vote.
Also the building isn't a jail it's an army baracks admin building, but I guess Jail is good for short :)
Kilo UK, well sorry for giving you the wrong impression, but I never mentioned private hives, everyone else did, as I see it, this is a problem with the game so I put the info here, if it is wrong I am sure whoever looks after this place will sweep it away.
I still believe something is needed to stop Server swapping, it is much more prevalent than people here think it is, I was doing it last night to show some friends what I was talking about and over 20 very low to empty servers pretty much had people jumping in and out constantly just at balota alone.
(Yes I was being a bad player, I don't normally do it, but I pretty much proved my point, geared in less than 20 min)
Private hives DJPorterNZ is not what Dean was talking about in that post, you pretty much proved that with what you copy pasted, it's a separate database, so still a hive for all those servers on it, not a Private hive Per server. There is a difference.
Kilo UK, your post doesn't make any sense, first you miss the point of my post and disagree with me, then you suggest exactly what I was suggesting. I never said you couldn't play on another server, my point was that Character information would be saved server side (Character locked to the server) to stop Server hopping for gear, spawn movement etc. It will mean you have to make a new character if you play on another server, which to be honest is not a bad thing, it's not like you survive forever in this game so it's no big deal to start again if you want to move servers (and I am sure people will end up having several favorite servers they will frequent). Just FYI Private Hives also work like this, but as you and I have both stated, that is Not Deans intention for the standalone, and have a myriad of their own issues.
LanceUppercut, Private hives are not the answer because I don't believe that is what Dean is aiming for, I don't even believe the Standalone has private hives at the moment (I could be wrong here).
Redtama, I totally agree with the timed logging, and it would be easy fixed with a simple 30 to 40 second log out timer no matter how you log out (even ALT F4). But Dean has already said that he hasn't put that in due to a fear it would cause to much extra strain on the Hive.
My Suggestion could be kept on the servers themselves, no need for the info to be stored on the Hive (Once again I could be wrong, Hence why it was a Suggestion not a demand)
DJPorterNZ, Lowest common denominator?? maybe I must be surrounded by the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS, because it's all I've experienced constantly. And once again Private Hives is not what Dean wanted to go direction wise, it is why he went for a MMO type structure to his Server Hive Setup.
Nice try but NO. A private Hive is not what I am talking about, I am talking about ALL servers not just a select few that are not connected to the main hive. Your answer doesn't fix the issue we are having with the standalone.