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- User Since
- Jun 22 2014, 1:37 PM (559 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kittekat8 added a comment to T99450: Ammo disapearing when loading in clip..
that was not the problem, it occured when i was filling the mag, not when emptying.
i suspect a hacker was doing this but i have no idea who:/
Kittekat8 set Category to category:items on T99450: Ammo disapearing when loading in clip..
Kittekat8 added a comment to T99431: Ammo disappearing when reloading.
I have the same issue, see report "0013029"
Kittekat8 added a comment to T99162: Game crashes on every exit.
i can also confirm, even happened when i tabbed out to look at the wiki.