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User Since
Jan 13 2014, 4:22 PM (583 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

KillJoy added a comment to T93234: Desync reaches 100000 for friend every time I join on his game..

Weird thing to note on this is it is just certain players as Silent has stated because anyone else on my friends list I can play with perfectly fine. Just me and him seem not to be able to connect to any server without him crashing out to 100k.
Strangely it did work last night in a nearly full server but we all were experiencing issues until he left the server than we ran OK.
He lives about 5 miles from me and we both run on Bright house but should have no real connection at all.

May 10 2016, 7:04 PM · DayZ
KillJoy edited Steps To Reproduce on T93234: Desync reaches 100000 for friend every time I join on his game..
May 10 2016, 7:04 PM · DayZ
KillJoy added a comment to T93154: Desync reaches 100000 for friend every time I join on his game..

Weird thing to note on this is it is just certain players as Silent has stated because anyone else on my friends list I can play with perfectly fine. Just me and him seem not to be able to connect to any server without him crashing out to 100k.
Strangely it did work last night in a nearly full server but we all were experiencing issues until he left the server than we ran OK.
He lives about 5 miles from me and we both run on Bright house but should have no real connection at all.

May 10 2016, 7:01 PM · DayZ
KillJoy edited Steps To Reproduce on T93154: Desync reaches 100000 for friend every time I join on his game..
May 10 2016, 7:01 PM · DayZ