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- Mar 13 2013, 8:25 AM (625 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kebab edited Steps To Reproduce on T64086: Fatigue setting in when laying down and aiming..
Kebab added a comment to T64086: Fatigue setting in when laying down and aiming..
There are indeed no tripods, but when laying down there is the ground you can support your weapon with. If you ever tried laying down shooting with an assault rifle, you would agree that there is too much fatigue after only have "aimed" for 4 seconds. The crosshair sways close to 4-5 meters from a mere 100 yards distance.
I agree that it shouldn't be too easy, however I do enjoy realism first, and the call of duty elements afterwards, and this fatigue when down, is definitely one of them.