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- Jan 16 2014, 7:38 AM (574 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kacper added a comment to T97033: Pressing P [Players List] while running/sprinting causes game to crash.
I will try to reporduce it with RArrow and will post the result.
Holding Right Arrow and then P causes the game to crash. Numeric is innocent.
Kacper added a comment to T97033: Pressing P [Players List] while running/sprinting causes game to crash.
I have changed my keybindings to [W]Forward and [D]Turbo and the game does not freeze while pressing P. Using NumKeys seems to be the problem. Please try to reproduce it on your machine using numpad just to be sure if it's universal or not.
Kacper edited Steps To Reproduce on T97033: Pressing P [Players List] while running/sprinting causes game to crash.