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Mar 9 2013, 12:46 AM (628 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

JouMxyzptlk added a comment to T64775: Add a way to record and play back demos (not video!) like Source-Engine/Quake/Doom/etc.

Not "only" multiplay / server side. The client and single player must be recordable too. If we have to decide before starting a mission or joining a server would be fine, via menu option or command line. Including an "always record" option since you never know when something funny happens. If one recording per mission automatically lands in %appdata% or in the according steam directory that would be fine too, filename yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss. Playback from menu only and only if the file (any name) is in the right directory would be fine with me too.

May 10 2016, 1:36 AM · Arma 3
JouMxyzptlk edited Steps To Reproduce on T64775: Add a way to record and play back demos (not video!) like Source-Engine/Quake/Doom/etc.
May 10 2016, 1:36 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

JouMxyzptlk added a comment to T61399: "Z" to lower helicopter has not enough effect, "X,C" for cycling has the same problem..

Please developers, take a look at comanche 1/2/3/gold (not comanche 4) for good realistic chopper control. Or use Aerofly which is a VERY good program to learn how a chopper actually works (even though it is focused on copper-models). Or go to the Airforce and let them show you how a chopper feels, since you are doing a military simulation which tries to be close to reality (compared to Battlefield/MOH/COD etc) they will help you for sure.

If you are used to realistic chopper control you have a hard time in ArmA 3.

No matter how fast I fly (forward or backward) Q and Z are supposed to lift me up or down very fast, they control the pitch of the main rotor blades. As workaround you use Q and Z to stop and start the engine while being on ground, that is OK, but after liftoff they don't control the rotor rotation speed, that one usually does not change during flight.

W/S/A/D also control the pitch/angle of the rotor blades, the only difference is that the blade's pitch is depended on where the blade is during rotation, whether is is at the front, back or side. That is actually somewhat correctly implemented, missing: Since the lifting power is above the mass center the chopper always tends to level out itself if the W/S/A/D controls are not touched or the mouse if not moved (or the joystick is at center, did not test). It always goes towards the horizontal position automatically if you did not overdo your angle towards the ground. It does not change the movement speed (well, it does, but to a very little effect).

Most annoying about Q: If one of the W/S/A/D is pressed and additionally Q is pressed it tils into the direction (correct!) with additional acceleration (correct), but DOES NOT LOSE HEIGHT as much as it does now, if the nose is tilted to an angle of 20° (or less at higher speeds) it should not lose height like the tilt is 45°. I am sick of drilling holes into the ground due to that.
Additionally wrong: When the chopper is flying fast it also starts to behave like a gyrocopter, it rather tends to gain height than lose it. That is actually a working maneuver with _some_ real choppers and can be trained. They gain speed, and then they can actually turn off the power to the main rotor (which keeps on spinning), and fly completely using the jet propulsion and heck rotor, due to the same effect used by gyrocopters.

X/C and Mouse-Left-Mouse-Right should control the heck rotor, which is only there to make the chopper turn around it's vertical y-axis. That actually works correct if the chopper just started and is still hovering near the ground. Once we flew a litte it tends to tilt around the z-axis too, even if we are standing still. The z-axis tilt effect is there in reality, but it is far FAR away from being as strong as in this game.

Suggestion: That "turning" control should be removed completely and replaced with a good heck rotor control, X/C and mouse left/right. You already call it "left pedal" and "right pedal", which is correct, just implement the rest.

About "E" BogatyrVoss mentioned, I didn't notice but it causes the same effect as "W", does not make sense, and it is not mapped according to the chopper control menu, but I have a suggestion for that:

Some of the choppers we can fly in ArmA 3 have an additional jet propulsion, that control is completely missing. Since "E" and "R" are supposed to be unmapped during flight use "E" to turn on that additional acceleration and speed it up, and "R" to turn down until off. Don't forget: The propulsion cannot make the chopper move backwards *g*. The additional propulsion does also make the nose of the chopper go a bit down (at least for those choppers I know).

May 9 2016, 11:05 PM · Arma 3
JouMxyzptlk added a comment to T61399: "Z" to lower helicopter has not enough effect, "X,C" for cycling has the same problem..

Video encoded and uploaded (in 4K).

Jump to

  • 15:08 I hit "Z" to get lower but the chopper does not act as expected
  • 16:27 I hit other keys, maybe they lower the chopper as expected
  • 16:51 "X,C" for cyclic control don't have enough effect when moving at medium speed.
  • 20:10 Maybe the "Z" key is not mapped correctly? Checking, it is mapped correctly.
  • 20:50 cyclic control not working as expectet again, so "different" way to turn.
  • 24:31 tryinc cyclic control for the last time, and landing....
May 9 2016, 11:05 PM · Arma 3
JouMxyzptlk edited Steps To Reproduce on T61399: "Z" to lower helicopter has not enough effect, "X,C" for cycling has the same problem..
May 9 2016, 11:05 PM · Arma 3
JouMxyzptlk added a comment to T60337: Helicopter drops too slowly when collective is decreased and raises too slowly when it's increased.

Voted up, I created accidentally a dupe under where I go far more into detail how far off reality the chopper control over all is, not just Q/Z, also X/C and their effect on the Z-axis..

May 9 2016, 9:40 PM · Arma 3
JouMxyzptlk added a comment to T59936: Explosives are undestroyable.

I emptied a whole magazine on a sea mine, and nothing happened, I even aimed at the triggers.

May 9 2016, 7:20 PM · Arma 3