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- User Since
- Apr 20 2014, 5:27 PM (568 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Well done... but your conclusions are not really relyable because i had the problems allready before i hex the ntkrl (only done it for more Memory after you mention it and the RPTs didnt tell me anymore the game is running out of Ram and he didnt done it really before because i scanned the whole damn time the System when i was playing... iam not a fool so i was thinking about it can be a lack of Memory) and the RPT files also say to me, that there are problems with the PhysX.86 dll also sometimes even from unknown fault adresses in Arma3.exe or from unknown source.
How can that possible ?
Dont get me wrong i dont want to offend the Work Bohemia have done with this Case and i appreciate the help you try to do, but the feedback iam getting from your site didnt stay with the informations i have send you and read btw. ;)
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00000000 <----- Why ? What have not the authorization to Acces ?
graphics: D3D11 <----- Does that mention its working on D3D11 or the Failure comes from there ??? *a Confusing line for me*
I know my Graphicscard can Handle Dx11 and the DXDiagnostic didnt find problems so far (even i deleted again my old drivers "clean" and install the newest one from ATI... still the same problem)
Mods: A3
Distribution: 0
Version 1.18.124200
Fault time: 2014/05/15 00:56:20
--------> Fault address: 00000000 00:00000000 Unknown module <--------
world: Altis
EAX:4F881D00 EBX:00000001
ECX:4F880F00 EDX:00000000
ESI:4F8D6800 EDI:4F8D686C
SS:ESP:0023:01EBEB18 EBP:00000000
DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000
*Older Post from me on this ticket*
Jollie_the_Jumper (ticket author)
---> 2014-04-25 16:27 <---
Hi again,
i do some of the Steps now and still will report the outcoming from the other ones.
- Run Steam as Administrator
- Start GameCacheFiles verify
- GameCacheFiles are verified
I will proceed with running Arma3 without Parameters and as Admin...
Also found that (RPT=2014.04.23_16-06-14)
Exception code: ----> C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 58D2039F <---- What try to Acces and have no Permission to do so ???
graphics: D3D11 <----
resolution: 1024x768x32
Addons: (See RPT)
Mods: A3
Distribution: 0
Version 1.16.123633
Fault time: 2014/04/23 18:32:10
Fault address: ------> 58D2039F 01:0012F39F D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\PhysX3_x86.dll <------ (did Steam oversaw a conflict on scanning the Gamecache ?)
file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
world: Altis
Prev. code bytes: 0F 84 8E 00 00 00 8B 47 70 85 C0 75 03 8B 47 74 <----
Fault code bytes: 8B 40 60 85 C0 74 0A 8B 4E 5C 57 50 E8 D0 EC 01 <---- Hm,
i think i can find the wrong bytes somewhere in the Arma3 Directory what do you think ? Where best to start with ? xD
So please if you answer to my Feedback dont do rubbish stuff with me iam worked for 2 Communication Services as Call Agent for Costumers so i know some tricks of the Branche ! xD
I will help to get my problem solved but i need some more informations than just that 08/15 stuff.
Please get that resolved Status away because it isnt resolved (Only on the way of your termination of Cases)!
And at last i want to ask "why the Game crashes so fast without Parameters Set" ? WoP = 2 to 5 Minutes Gameplay WP = 30 to 45 Minutes Gameplay...
Well it isnt my Memory that calls me that ! ;)
Best Regards
hope they find the troublemaker ! :)
Best Regards !!!
- Run Arma3 without Parameters
- Run Arma3 as Admin
Result (the Game crashes)
- Uploading RPT Files
Well at the Time i send the RPT's the OS was locked on 3,25GB but i found a way how to use my installed 4GB Ram complete.
(I HEX my ntkrl.exe in a copy and sign it with a Windowstool, also added it as a second bootsequenze from i can choose of)
I will upload new RPT's and DxDiag as Rar Archive.
Also increased my Pagefile min. + max. = 6144 to 12288 today because i saw that the pagefile is to low...
Hi again,
i do some of the Steps now and still will report the outcoming from the other ones.
- Run Steam as Administrator
- Start GameCacheFiles verify
- GameCacheFiles are verified
I will proceed with running Arma3 without Parameters and as Admin...
Also found that (RPT=2014.04.23_16-06-14)
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 58D2039F
graphics: D3D11
resolution: 1024x768x32
Addons: (See RPT)
Mods: A3
Distribution: 0
Version 1.16.123633
Fault time: 2014/04/23 18:32:10
Fault address: 58D2039F 01:0012F39F D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\PhysX3_x86.dll
file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
world: Altis
Prev. code bytes: 0F 84 8E 00 00 00 8B 47 70 85 C0 75 03 8B 47 74
Fault code bytes: 8B 40 60 85 C0 74 0A 8B 4E 5C 57 50 E8 D0 EC 01
And i have the same problems with Arma2 with the Textures and fps drops (but it works when i change the Texturequality from High/Middle to low, than the framedrops gone and the Textures load correctly also i can change the Textures back to the parameter before, then it will randomly after some time experience again (i do the same steps and it works again). Game didnt crashed so far as i can remember.
Also have problems with gamecrashes at my heavy Modded Fallout New Vegas >>>Also a Steamgame<<< xD
(But its more a question of the Modified Data and instability of the Game by itself i know)
Thats the only Games who uses a large Amount of Memory who giving me trouble...
The others working fine !
Hello Icemen,
i have checked my Memory usage from Arma3 while Playing several times since the problems encounters and it use around 1500 to 1700 MB Ram (Ingame) and i have still 1300 MB Ram on standby.
There is no chance i can afford more Ram (maybe by buying more Ram and place it into my PC but it will not really work with 32bit OS because it will still reserve around 5GB for Hardware (8GB Ram Case), but i can use the full amount of my 4GB Ram... i just unlock the system to do so). because the processes who are still up are needed for the OS and Steam also uses around 70MB on my Ram.
I think its more a problem whit something like when loading the next terrains/textures or so ???
Because the Graphicbug appears absolutely Random in different timeperiods of playing and also mostly encountering in Vehicles or when left a Vehicle.
And as i say i had the same problems with textures on Arma2 twice in Vehicles.