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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 3:12 PM (623 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Johnson11B2P edited Steps To Reproduce on T70407: BIS_fnc_arrayPush.
Johnson11B2P added a comment to T69652: createCenter error.
You're totally right MulleDK19 I did that. Can BIS put a block on it to make sure that can't happen?
Johnson11B2P edited Steps To Reproduce on T69652: createCenter error.
Johnson11B2P edited Steps To Reproduce on T69651: createCenter error.
Johnson11B2P edited Steps To Reproduce on T69650: createCenter error.
Johnson11B2P added a comment to T62713: Player joining with the development build causes whole sever to turn in to seagulls.
Also when I tried to join one of my friends servers, the player list was empty and I had to click an empty text box. I clicked it and everything seem fine but when I loaded in the MP missions that's when I couldn't progress any further. So I backed out of the my friends server and tried again and this time the same empty box came up but I was able to see the Playable units list. I slotted in and pressed okay and was receiving the mission data. By this time my friend had already started the mission. Once I got in everyone got turned into a seagull.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Johnson11B2P edited Steps To Reproduce on T61174: Compass/ Watch will show up.