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User Since
Dec 6 2014, 4:05 PM (536 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

Jackslayer edited Steps To Reproduce on T106152: Stuck on spawning in 60 seconds please wait.
May 11 2016, 2:48 AM · DayZ
Jackslayer added a comment to T106129: Dying by Eating a Fruit In a Large Green House.

Happen to me XD in airfield eating an orange then i died i was wondering if a sniper got me.

May 11 2016, 2:47 AM · DayZ
Jackslayer added a comment to T106035: Character shaking when aiming down sights..

This can happen if u eat human meat. yes i see the video its a bug its not like when u eat human meat its really bad.

May 11 2016, 2:44 AM · DayZ
Jackslayer added a comment to T106014: [PRIMARY REPORT] Dayz Randomly Crashing version 0.51.125720.

its ceep crashing so lets wait them to reply and maybe it will be fixed if u delete the appdate dayz it will not fix it i tried it well i am verry verry sad :( because i just bought the game when it was in version 0.50.

May 11 2016, 2:43 AM · DayZ
Jackslayer added a comment to T106014: [PRIMARY REPORT] Dayz Randomly Crashing version 0.51.125720.

i reinstalled me Windows for the game and still crashing but what do u mean opted out of beta? I did delete the dayz appdata well i played 30 minutes then it crashed so not fixed the crash problem.

May 11 2016, 2:43 AM · DayZ
Jackslayer edited Steps To Reproduce on T106014: [PRIMARY REPORT] Dayz Randomly Crashing version 0.51.125720.
May 11 2016, 2:43 AM · DayZ
Jackslayer added a comment to T105992: Character begins punching/attacking repeatedly, does not stop punching..

Well this is an old bug just press esc and resume and it will stop its easy to figure it out... when happen again press esc then resume it............

May 11 2016, 2:42 AM · DayZ