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- User Since
- Sep 24 2016, 4:10 PM (440 w, 2 d)
Apr 11 2017
exact scenario as the previous comment and link...again and again and again.
is anyone going to respond?
Apr 9 2017
single player, marksman showcase, before it could even finish loading....this game is officially un-playable
can't even load a single player scenario with no mods loaded!!!
OK, look...if you have no idea and can't help, just say it. I'll stop trying, uninstall the game and move on to something else.
Apr 7 2017
Apr 6 2017
completed the reinstallation of Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable and DirectX in the manner you prescribed.
still no resolution
Apr 4 2017
hypothetically, if I never activated my windows product key, could this be a potential cause of all this?
I was just trying to practice in the battle royale firing range...could barely start doing anything before a crash.
I found it...actually was pretty easy....unfortunately, still crashing
Apr 1 2017
didn't take long...crashed immediately upon entering server.
ok, nevermind...figured all that out. I'll try KOTH again and see if I experience a crash
KOTH crash...
Mar 19 2017
could you tell me where I should set my memory limits and also what allocator? I don't understand all that stuff...even after reading about it..I have 8GB of RAM and a 4GB GPU. Thanks
Mar 18 2017
this is really, really pissing me off for the record
crash upon restarting mission after dying during marksman mission under showcase single player
I would really love some help resolving this's been far too long
lets try these...scanned the files before uploading them to onedrive and also before linking
Mar 17 2017
I have absolutely no idea why any files would be malicious! I have adequate virus protection and primarily only use this particular PC for gaming...
after updates installed, I felt really good about it...lasted longer than I have in a KOTH server for quite some time...then it happened
updating windows and GPU drivers
this one is GREAT!!! I was just entering the game after clicking "PLAY" in the launcher and CRASH
crash attempting to begin single player showcase "marksman"! couldn't even begin mission, before crashing
i did get the resolution situation figured out though
both single player crashes, second on was no mods at all
still crashes, I'll attach a dump file soon...but why can't I change my resolution? my monitor is 1920x1080 and its not even listed under options..?
Mar 5 2017
here are some additional crash I wasting my time and yours?
could you help me understand some of the parameters on the launcher? for example, the cpu block has a "1", should this be a 4 since I'm using an I5? also curious about the memory limitations. What should I be set at for a 8GB system and a 4GB GPU?
Mar 1 2017
I intend to only play the current dev branch, profiling, legacy, or whatever...
Feb 21 2017
another vehicle induced game crash
Feb 18 2017
wasteland mods
I've noticed a few things over the last few months, so maybe this could help resolve the issue:
Jan 17 2017
almost 4 months...arma is the only game that gives me any problems
this shit still matter what
Nov 15 2016
I suppose I've given up...unfortunate since I really enjoyed playing
Nov 4 2016
crash files from legacy branch, wasteland server, no other players in the server...
Nov 1 2016
I went to change over to the legacy branch, but I don't even see the legacy branch as an option anymore?!
Oct 31 2016
I haven't had a chance to get into a game yet..looking forward to that this evening.
Oct 30 2016
i think this is the one...can't really remember the game type though
Oct 29 2016
crashing on profiling branch also...
Oct 28 2016
Since I'm experiencing crashes in solo/campaign mode, I think I'll install the older version via legacy branch and play another solo game just to see what happens...will update accordingly
crash report when game crashed immediately upon beginning solo mission Dev branch
Oct 26 2016
crash file from recent crash...lasted all of about 1-2 minutes in a KOTH server, no mods loaded at all...
Oct 24 2016
How do I access the profiling branch and what is it?
Oct 23 2016
I play epoch because that's the only game modes that doesn't crash quickly..however, I'll do as you prescribed.
Oct 22 2016
It's been just short of one month.
Oct 18 2016
played maybe and hour, no crash...upon exiting the server, it crashed. here you are:
Oct 16 2016
and more
Oct 15 2016
here are some more files for your review...
Oct 12 2016
Crap!!...I don't know what to do! Multiplayer is what my sons and I play most often. This is getting frustrating.
Hate to ask but I glanced at the's rather confusing. Is there somewhere I could have specific instructions on going back to a prior version?
Ok great! I'll certainly try that.
Would using an older version in any way inhibit normal gameplay?
Just out of curiosity, is there a way I could potentially revert back to an older version so that I could actually play?
Yes, I have verified version 1.64.138732
Thank you so much!
I was hopeful yesterday because I actually played epoch mod for maybe 30 minutes.. I left that server, removed all mods and joined a KOTH server and it crashed again within minutes.
I was on last night and verified game cache at that, without actually knowing for sure, I am comfortable assuming I have the updated version. If this is the case, will I need to provide additional crash file/reports?
I have no idea what current stable is btw
I assumed any updates would automatically be downloaded, so I've watched closely and haven't seen any. How would I go about getting this update?
Oct 11 2016
Is there an update scheduled for release? Just trying to stay up to date here.
Oct 4 2016
Am I basically waiting for subsequent game updates in hopes of resolution?
Oct 3 2016
Thank you for the info, I was only curious about the process itself. All this is very new to me, so I hoped to gain a little insight.
Oct 2 2016
Checking in...since I'm not really sure how long this type situation generally goes.
Oct 1 2016
Apparently we have similar problems..if they're able to help me, perhaps you could apply whatever fix that results from their efforts.
Just curious if there's anything I can do that may be of any help..
Sep 30 2016
No change since the recent updates from Windows and also the latest game update. Thanks again for the assistance.
Sep 28 2016
No it crashes regardless but seems like each time I try to enter a vehicle, it crashes almost instantly..there have been moments when it's crashed before I'm able to do anything. I just thought it was as strange that I could walk around for what seemed like a slightly longer period of time.
Also, I'm not sure if this helps but it seems like single player takes longer to crash. In multi player, KOTH for example, as soon as I get into any type of vehicle...the crash occurs.
This whole command prompt thing is a mystery to me...I'm sorry. Not the most technically savvy person, which I'm sure makes it even harder to provide any assistance.
Sep 27 2016
So far, I have updated GPU drivers and made sure I had safe temps. ..
I verified the integrity of game cache through steam.
I used Windows file check tool to check all the files...
That's what I have done, don't know about that other stuff, but I'll look at trying once I get home. Thanks again.
Woohoo!! Thank you so much
one more for good measure
I opened the zip files here and saw some of the items described by Jawsh..sooo, this link should hopefully provide the needed information.
I thought I followed the instructions..I'm just not adequate in these areas. please allow me to try again. thanks for your patience.
Sep 26 2016
I'm not sure I did that correct...yet again
Sep 25 2016
Yes, I saved the files.
Like I mentioned above....I'm not very knowledgeable about these things! I just have no idea how to proceed.