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- User Since
- Jun 8 2016, 7:59 PM (453 w, 5 d)
Jul 25 2016
Jul 25 2016
ImranZakhaev added a comment to T119299: Massive freezes and stutters.
My 2 other friends and I all get this bug almost once every hour. Usually play Exile which can get ram usage over 2950mb pretty fast(causes the problem). Fps drops to 5-2 and textures turn to low poly vomit. This pretty much makes the game unplayable since we have to spend 20 minutes out of an hour having to deal with one teammate rejoin a full server. From my 4700 hours played on ARMA 3 this is easily the worst problem I have had.
Jun 8 2016
Jun 8 2016
ImranZakhaev edited Steps To Reproduce on T117456: Tanoa Gas Station Visual Bug.