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- User Since
- Nov 15 2014, 3:19 AM (538 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
It is by far one of the worst hacks I have come across For you to be hacked its not so bad coz you don't loose your stuff as longas you leave the server ... but as playing with a squad when you go down and in and instant someone is running around looking just like you this then cause conflict because your friends don't know if to shoot or not.... obviously when they are shot down they don't get there stuff back... I will be uploading a video shortly of the first incounter as you will see we have no idea what happens I quite the server instead of respawning by mistake, I rejoin the server and I had all my loot I managed to flank the hill and there "I was" (this clone running down the hill looking just like me... I ended up sniping him again this time killing him dead and manage to look at his stuff and it was all my stuff... we where all shocked... after he died I guess he had no option but to respawn.. but the 1st time I shot him he was running down in front of me after sniping at kamy... I shot him he went unconscious but then disappeared... all will be in the video..
Just remember to quite the server if your character does some random shit and you die.
Dude im not mad at all? and its really not a fret I just meant come kamy when we in server and see for your self we don't KOS...? I don't get your hostility?
I love how you pretend you don't ever Kill on sight... Everyone at some point gets pissed of with being back stabbed every time they talk to someone, sick of giving the opportunity of being shot in the back. so yeah I did take a shot at this guy, but like always the first shot in a warning to piss off.
You cant condone hacking, unless you are a hacker your self.
hope we see you in Kamy soon