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Sep 11 2013, 6:14 PM (599 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Hypnotoad added a comment to T72685: AI still way too accurate over long ranges in Combined Arms showcase.

"In the video you provided you're spotted before the save"

How could you possibly know this if you don't see what is before the save? I assure you I am not spotted before the save, the moments up to that point are me running up the hill to that spot so I can spot the enemies, while I was running I am out of sight of the enemies as the hill in front of me covers me, there had been absolutely no contact to the group prior to that point. I've also tested multiple times from the autosave (which is before my usersave, in the compound just after the enemies are cleared out, with no contact with the counter attacking enemies) and the result is always the same, spotted instantly with stupidly high accuracy.

Regarding "just like human players", I will repeat what I said in another thread:

"And they are AT soldiers, they are not snipers. I have a magnified scope and I find it very difficult to shoot them even then, it takes me many many shots for the bullet to actually hit the solider targeting me once due to huge spread. Yet, merely with iron sights and standard assault rifles they can easily headshot me after 2 tries max and after about 3 seconds of them spotting me.

Did I mention this is at 0 difficulty? 0 difficulty AI should with iron sights only should NOT be exceptionally better than me at aiming, an OFP and Arma veteran, using a magnified scope. That is insane."

tl;dr: AI AT soldiers without any magnified scope, at absolute minimum difficulty, is massively better than me (an ofp and arma veteran) at long range aiming and firing when I have a magnified scope.

0 difficulty should not mean absolutely impossible to match their accuracy/consistency at long range even with a superior weapon.

May 10 2016, 6:19 AM · Arma 3
Hypnotoad added a comment to T72685: AI still way too accurate over long ranges in Combined Arms showcase.

Can those who downvoted this please explain why? I provided video evidence, I really would like to know why this isn't an issue.

May 10 2016, 6:19 AM · Arma 3
Hypnotoad edited Steps To Reproduce on T72685: AI still way too accurate over long ranges in Combined Arms showcase.
May 10 2016, 6:19 AM · Arma 3