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- User Since
- Dec 5 2014, 6:15 PM (535 w, 4 d)
Mar 26 2017
Mar 26 2017
Hypernova changed Severity from severity:block to severity:major on T124059: the programme can't utilize the discrete gpu to run the game.
Hypernova updated the task description for T124059: the programme can't utilize the discrete gpu to run the game.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Hypernova added a comment to T84620: Fail to launch the game.
thanks very much!
Hypernova set Category to category:launcher on T84620: Fail to launch the game.
Hypernova added a comment to T80387: BUG OF COMPAIGN.
ok i'll try but why? that will lost much fun xD
Hypernova added a comment to T80387: BUG OF COMPAIGN.
yeah the CBA and AGM should I disable them?
Hypernova edited Steps To Reproduce on T80387: BUG OF COMPAIGN.
Hypernova added a comment to T80294: Change magezine and change weapons.
what is REPRO? xD i don't understand that why a soldier can't change his weapon while running? and the tripods should work. thanks.
Hypernova edited Steps To Reproduce on T80294: Change magezine and change weapons.