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Feb 19 2014, 12:23 AM (575 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Hewlett added a comment to T72933: Recieve 'DX11 error : Create texture failed :DXGI_ERROR_REMOVED' on start up.

Yeah I figured they don't give a shit anymore, however I did managed to get this working without the crash but can only run the game at 21-25 FPS.

In the Nvidia CP, under manager 3D settings, for Arma 3 I did;

Maximum pre-rendered frames - 3
Multi-Display/mixed GPU acceleration - Single display performance mode
Power management mode - Prefer maximum performance

Physx AUTO

Now I can run the game (FPS drops sometimes but the driver doesn't hang). I've a GTS 450 and it's capable of running the game with decent settings but crashes when it does. Had to fork out for a new card to be able to play this game, so thanks Bohemia you shower of numbnuts.

May 10 2016, 6:25 AM · Arma 3
Hewlett added a comment to T72933: Recieve 'DX11 error : Create texture failed :DXGI_ERROR_REMOVED' on start up.

Same issue here. Started all of a sudden.

Tried; updating BIOS, updating drivers for graphics card, reinstalled everything, physx to cpu, full screen, windowed, fullscreen windowed, low settings high settings, OC, underclock, stock clock, rolled back to 314.22 drivers, changed graphics card slot, cleaned card, reset card.

nothing worked and I'm piss sick of this. Only happens with this game, alpha or no alpha this is horse shit.

May 10 2016, 6:25 AM · Arma 3