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- User Since
- Jun 12 2016, 4:45 PM (453 w, 4 d)
Jun 12 2016
Jun 12 2016
Hastein added a comment to T117532: Zombie walking on roof.
I guess it is some kind of bug of the new ability of zombies to climb over obstacles. Buildings are seen as low abstacles and Zombies can climb onto them?
Hastein added a comment to T115839: [SUGGESTION] 100% chance of getting apples or stones but "random" time to complete the searching.
Had the same idea about this. It should be supported in future. Its really senseless to not find a stone when the ground is showing thousands of stones.
Hastein added a comment to T98615: Repeatedly pressing F can forage massive number of sticks / berries / apples.
The description given by Haos still works in current build 0.59 (stable) and also in 0.60 (exp).
Hastein added a comment to T88620: Water well abuse and insane thirst.
This - i would call it bug - is still working and should be fixed.
Spamming F when drinking at a well and pond gets you hydrated/stuffed in a few seconds.