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- User Since
- May 2 2015, 11:23 AM (510 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Hanfbaum added a comment to T110889: .56 EXP no zombies or animals.
it's true there are no zombies, but animals are there, at least a cow
Hanfbaum added a comment to T110805: Childs Briefcase changes colour when on character (0.56).
have the same problem here, on the ground the blue Briefcase is red, and on my back it's blue.
Hanfbaum edited Steps To Reproduce on T110741: Appartment buildings are invisible in the bus station.
Hanfbaum added a comment to T110569: V3S sinks into the ground.
Hey Geez,
the gate was open.
Hanfbaum added a comment to T110569: V3S sinks into the ground.
Hey Geez,
the crash happend to me above Nadezhino at a power transformer. See the location in the attached picture(crash.jpg).
I hope it helps you to fix it.
Hanfbaum set Category to category:environment on T110569: V3S sinks into the ground.